The 10 Most Common Types of Computer Viruses

The virus can infect our computers just like it affects humans. Furthermore, computer viruses can infect our PCs in a variety of ways, just like human viruses can. Computers cannot eliminate viruses like the human body can in a matter of weeks or months. Because viruses can damage computers, steal data, or wipe crucial files, we must always take care of our laptops and computers. You can contact Senor iPhone, the best store offering computer repair in Las Vegas if your computer has contracted a virus. 

Here, we'll explore the different types of computer viruses, their characteristics and how to stop these cyber-threats from infiltrating your computer.

What Is a Computer Virus?

A computer virus is made to attack and propagate to other systems. Viruses often infect other computers by joining themselves to shared files or programs. The virus is also executed when these files or programs are run, which has the potential to infect the computer.

The 10 Most Common Types of Computer Viruses

Viruses can be categorized into many types according to how they spread, how they infect computers, and what they do after doing so. Some common types of viruses include: 

  1. Boot Sector Viruses

These viruses damage a computer's hard drive's boot sector. The virus gets loaded into memory at boot-up and is then ready to spread to other computer programs or files.

  1. File Infecting Viruses

Executable files, such as.exe files, are infected by these viruses. These files execute together with the virus, which can then spread to other computer components.

  1. Macro Viruses

These viruses infect Word or Excel documents, among others. They spread themselves across other documents or computers using these programs' macro functions.

  1. Polymorphic Virus

This virus can change its codes whenever an infected file is run, making it able to elude anti-virus program.

  1. Resident Virus

A resident virus stores itself on your computer’s memory which allows it to infect files on your computer. This virus can disrupt your operating system, resulting in the corruption of files and programs.

  1. Trojan Horses

Trojan horses are a specific kind of virus that masquerade as helpful files or programs but are harmful. Once installed, they can provide hackers access to a user's computer so they can steal data or personal information.

  1. Multipartite Virus

An extremely infectious virus that spreads quickly on your computer system. It is challenging to contain since it can infect a system's memory, files, and boot sector in addition to other areas.

  1. Browser Hijacker

This virus targets your browser and modifies its settings. Because it sends your browser to other dangerous websites that you don't intend to visit, it is frequently referred to as a browser redirect virus. Other dangers posed by this virus include changing your browser's default home page.

  1. Web Scripting Virus

A very sneaky virus that targets well-known websites. This virus overwrites webpage code and inserts links that can lead to the installation of dangerous software on your system. Web scripting viruses can take your cookies and use the data to post on the infected website in your place.

  1. Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of virus that puts a person's personal data at risk unless ransom is paid. This type of virus can be particularly dangerous because it can spread quickly and easily to other computers.

How You Can Protect Yourself Against Computer Viruses? 

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself against computer viruses.

  • Make sure you have a good antivirus program installed on your computer. This will help to catch and remove any viruses that try to infect your system.

  • Be careful about what you download and install on your computer. Only download programs from trusted sources. Be wary of downloading programs from untrustworthy websites, as they may contain viruses.

  • Keep your operating system and software up to date. Software updates often include security updates that can help to protect your system from new threats.

By taking these precautions, you can help to protect your computer from viruses and other malware.

Get Help from IT Experts at Senor iPhone

If you are worried about the security of your computer and aren't sure what to do, you can get in touch with Senor iPhone. Stop searching ‘fix my computer Las Vegas and visit our store in Las Vegas. We will be happy to help!


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